Música de Astor Piazzolla
Baltazar Benítez, guitarra
Astor Piazzolla was born in Mar del Plata, Argentine, in 1921, the son of Vincent Piazzolla and Asunta Manetti. They moved to New York in 1924. Piazzolla began studying the bandoneon when he was nine years old, and showed prodigious advances in it. He returned to Buenos Aires in possession of solid technical knowledge, and an un usual command of the instrument. He then performed with severa! tango ensembles. Later on he joined the now famous orchestra of Aníbal Troilo, who was astonished by the young player's dexterity. In 1944, Piazzolla founded his own orchestra, in order to accompany the singer Francisco Fiorentino. Piazzolla studied composition with the grand maestro Alberto Ginastera, and then continued his studies with the renown Nadia Boulanger in Paris (1954), whose influence was to be so decisive in his la ter evolution. Astor Piazzolla's contribution has meant an integral synthesis of the tangos whole range, from its early foundations to our days. Piazzolla displayed a marked modernist inclination. He firmly believed that new musical criteria should be incorporated to the tango, especially in relation to its harmonic and formal contents. He always knew, although he was not arrogant about it, the scope and significance of his work, geared towards a universalisation of the tango which could not have been achieved through any other path than that of artistic exccllence. After a long struggle to impose his new concept of tango (which was harshly berated in traditional tango circles), Piazzolla was awarded the title "Illustrious Citizen of Buenos Aires" on December 4, 1985, for his achievements as a representative of the music of Rio de la Plata. Paraguay's Ministry of Education and Culture invited him to inaugurate his "Double Concerto for Guitar, Bandoneon and Orchestra". The performance, in which I also participated, was held 011 December 23, 1985 in Montevideo. Eventually both capitals of Río de la Plata were to unanimously acknowledge "the tango had entered the concert hall". On July 5, 1992, after two years of struggling against a terrible illness, the eminent musician died in Buenos Aires.
Baltazar Benítez
Baltazar Benítez was born in Uruguay, where he began playing the guitar when he was twelve years old. In 1966 he continued his studies under Abel Carlevaro, teacher at the National Conservatory of Music in Montevideo. In 1985 he made a tour in South-America, together with the Argentinean musician/composer Astor Piazzolla. In Montevideo (Uruguay) on December 23rd 1985, they performed together the Latin-American premiere of Piazzolla's "Concierto para Bandoneon, Guitarra y Orquesta".
Título: Music of Astor Piazzolla
Compositor: Astor Piazzolla
Intérprete: Baltazar Benítez
Discos: 1
Tracks: 10
Calidad: flac
Comprimido con Winrar
Password: Perseguidor
(P mayúscula)
1. Campero
2. Romántico
3. Acentuado
4. Tristón
5. Compadre
6. Contrabajeando
7. Milonga del Ángel
8. La muerte del Ángel
9. Verano porteño
10. Primavera porteña
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